To help us give you more of what you love, we capture information about you in order to improve your experience of the Impulse  Community.

This notice is to inform you about how we collect and protect any personal information you provide to us and how you can control what personal information we collect from you and what we do with it. It sets out how we intend to use your information, who we will share it with and what rights you have about the use of your information.

This notice applies, however, you provide personal information to us, whether you go online to our websites, contact us via social media, visit our events and stores, enter competitions, engage in research activities or whether you telephone, email, write to or text us.



We may collect the following information about you:

  • your name, age/date of birth, gender, and other relevant demographic information;
  • your contact details: postal address including billing and delivery addresses, telephone numbers
  • (including mobile numbers) and email address;
  • your social media handles;
  • purchases and orders made by you;
  • your online browsing activities on any of our websites including which items you store in your shopping cart; information about the device you use to browse our websites including the IP address and device type;
  • your communication and marketing preferences;
  • your interests, preferences, feedback, competition and survey responses;
  • your location;
  • your correspondence and communications with us; and
  • other publicly available personal data, including any which you have shared via a public platform (such as Instagram, YouTube, Twitter or public Facebook page).

This list is not exhaustive and in specific instances, we may need to collect additional data for the purposes set out in this Notice. Some personal data is collected directly, for example when you set up an online account on our website or send an email to our Customer Support team. Other personal data is collected indirectly, for example when you browse our websites or undertake online shopping activity. We may also collect personal data from third parties who have your consent to pass your details to us, or from publicly available sources. We may anonymize and aggregate personal data for insight and research but this will not identify anyone.

Our websites are not intended for children and we do not knowingly collect data relating to children.



Impulse (and trusted partners acting on our behalf) use your personal data:

  • to provide goods and services to you;
  • to make a tailored website available to you;
  • to manage any account(s) you hold with us;
  • to verify your identity;
  • for crime and fraud prevention, detection and related purposes;
  • with your agreement, to contact you about promotional offers, events, products and services which
  • we think may interest you;
  • to show you promotional communications through online media as you browse the web;
  • for analysis, insight and research purposes – to better understand your needs and ensure we are
  • giving you what you want;
  • to identify and contact competition winners;
  • to enable us to manage customer service interactions with you; and
  • where we have a legal right or duty to use or disclose your information (for example in relation to an
  • investigation by a public authority or in a legal dispute).


Promotional communications

To ensure you are kept up to date with the Impulse experience, we use personal data for marketing purposes and may send you postal mail, texts and/or emails to update you on the latest offers and events. We may also show you online media communications through external social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram and external digital advertisers such as Google.

You have the right to opt out of receiving promotional communications at any time, by:

1. informing us that you wish to change your marketing preferences by contacting our customer support team at;

2. making use of the simple “unsubscribe” link in emails or the “STOP” number for texts; and/or

3. contacting our Data Protection Officer via email at

This may not stop service messages such as order updates.


Personalization and Automated Decision Making

If you visit any of our websites, you may receive personalized banner advertisements whilst browsing websites of other companies. Any banner advertisements you see will relate to your browsing activity on our website from your computer or other devices.

These advertisements are provided by us via external market leading specialist providers using techniques such as pixels, web beacons, ad tags, mobile identifiers and ‘cookies’ placed on your computer or other devices (see further information on the use of cookies in our Cookie Policy). You can remove or disable cookies at any time – see Cookie Policy for further information. We may collect data directly from you, as well as analyzing your browsing and purchasing activity online and your responses to marketing communications. The results of this analysis, together with other demographic data, allow us to ensure that we contact you with information on products, services, events and offers that are tailored and relevant to you. To do so, we use software and other technology for automated decision making. We may do this to decide what marketing communications are suitable for you and this activity is based on our legitimate interests to develop and improve our products and services.

Also to provide more personalized services and experiences, we may review data held by external social media platform providers about you, for example, details on your Twitter or Facebook profiles that you have chosen to make publicly accessible such as your name, date of birth. Some of our services enable you to sign-in via external social media platform providers such as Facebook. If you choose to sign-in via a third party app, you will be presented with a dialog box which will ask your permission to allow us to access your personal information (e.g. your full name, date of birth, email address and any other information you have made accessible).

We aim to update you about products and services which are of interest and relevance to you as an individual. To help us do this, we process data by profiling and segmenting, identifying what our customers like and ensuring messages we send them are relevant based on their demographics, interests, purchase behavior, online web browsing activity, and engagement with previous communications. We may also use your data to exclude you from communications which we feel are irrelevant to you. For example, we may exclude someone from resends of marketing emails when we know that person has already opened the original email sent. Another example of how we may tailor our communications with you is that we may group individuals with similar interests using this data so we can send them product news or promotional offers that are relevant to that shared interest.

You have the right to opt out of any automated processing, including profiling, at any time by:

1. informing us that you wish to opt out of automated processing by contacting our customer support team at; and/or

2. contacting our Data Protection Officer via email to


Our websites use cookies to capture information. This includes information about browsing and purchasing behavior by people who access our websites, including pages viewed, products purchased and customer journey around our websites.


Our controls

Impulse is committed to keeping your personal data safe and secure.

Our security measures include: –

  • encryption of data;
  • regular cyber security assessments of all service providers who may handle your personal data;
  • regular planning to ensure we are ready to respond to cybersecurity attacks and data security incidents;
  • daily penetration testing of systems;
  • security controls which protect our IT systems infrastructure and our premises from external attack and unauthorized access;
  • internal policies setting out our data security rules for our personnel and regular training for our employees.


You should always be cautious when sharing your personal data. No one from our company will ever ask you to confirm any bank account or credit card details via email. If you receive an email claiming to be from Impulse asking you to do so, please ignore it and do not respond.

If you are using a computing device in a public location, we recommend that you always log out and close the website browser when you complete an online session.

In addition, we recommend that you take the following security measures to enhance your online safety:

  • Keep your account passwords private because anyone who knows your password may access your account or be compromised if your account is accessed without authority.
  • When creating a password, use a difficult word/number combination of at least 8 characters and something that is not easily guessed by hackers such as your name, email address, or other personal data that can be easily obtained.
  • Also, frequently change your password. You can do this in your account settings.
  • Avoid using the same password for different online accounts.


We will not retain your data for longer than necessary for the purposes set out in this Notice. DifferenT retention periods apply for different types of information, and our Data Retention Policy sets out the length of time we will usually retain personal data and where these default periods might be changed.

In summary, various laws, accounting and regulatory requirements applicable to us require us to retain certain records for specific amounts of time. In relation to your personal data, we will hold this only for so long as we require that personal data for legal or regulatory reasons or for legitimate organizational purposes. We will not keep your data for longer than is necessary for the purposes for which we collect them.